Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Child s Psychological And Social Development - 1610 Words

This study looks upon those who move around a lot, with children, because of their jobs. Specifically, how moving around an excessive amount, and absentee of parents, affect how children develop. Jobs that typically require moving are military, doctors without borders, missionaries, aid workers, traveling journalist/photographer, and much more. The Smith family has been traveling around, primarily, the United States, for quite some time. The Smith family occupations are both government field agents. The family consists of Mr. Mrs. Smith, and their two children, one of them being their daughter, Fern, who is 15 years old. Fern, has been moving every 2-3 years, around the country since she was 5. Her parents spend all day and night on their†¦show more content†¦Because Fern does not have someone she can discuss these changes with, she would more susceptible to depression. Another milestone in adolescents is finding their identity. According to Erik Erikson, he says that there are eight total stages humans go through, each one corresponding with a particular time/age in a human’s life, and each having a psychological crisis. During the time of adolescents, it is a search for their identity or end up in a state of role confusion. Furthered by Kail and Cavanaugh (2016), to develop identity, it is facilitated through parental discussion and encouragement. Through this discussion and encouragement, the child will have a better grasp of who they are, thus being able to make tough decisions and able to handle a variety of situations, that they know will be the best route for them. Their identity development also affects their career and interpersonal relationship development. Since Fern’s parents are more focused on their work, rather than their children, she is once again, unable to communicate with them about her sense of self, or about things in general. Fern is not encouraged nor encouraged to explore her different self’s. Fern would thus be unable to determine if the sense of self she currently has been exploring, is the right one for her. She would also likely, have difficulties communicating with other people, older, younger, and those who are of the same

Friday, December 20, 2019

Project Management Methodologies For The Development Essay

CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION The first chapter introduced the research problem that raised the question of whether adaption project management methodologies can be tailored down to Nigerian SMEs. This chapter presents the academic literature pertinent to the research, and places it in context of the research. The aim of this chapter is to provide the background information of the research topic and to show the gaps in the research literature, so as to identify the areas this research will focus on. The main function of this chapter is to establish a solid foundation of the existing literature (historical, conceptual and empirical), and to investigate in line with the research objectives. HISTORY OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT The need to realize big and complex projects dates backs to the early years of civilization and is at the source of necessity to think Projects. Project Management (PM) is now a separate discipline that is adopted by various fields. The usage of the PM continues to grow rapidly by as much as 20 percent per year. The project management institute, for instance, the professional association of the project management increased its world-wide membership to over 70,000. The need for the efficient and effective management is widely recognized (O’Sheedy, 2012). Therefore, the field of project management theory and practice has taken tremendous strides forward in the past few decades (Demeulemeester Herroelen, 2002: 20-21). PM has gone through the longShow MoreRelatedHow The Prince2 Methodology Can Be Implemented Into The Management Of Large System Development Project1741 Words   |  7 PagesThis report was carried out to find out how the PRINCE2 methodology can be implemented into the management of large system development project in other to produce the required outcomes from the project so as to reduce the chances of failure in the project. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Nazisme Essay Example For Students

Nazisme Essay ?NTRODUCT?ONLe nazisme est un bon exemple de r?gime totalitaire. De point de vue de sa naissance et de sa mont?e, le nazisme nous d?montre bien comment un r?gime totalitaire peut sinstaurer. La mont?e du nazisme; cest ? dire une p?riode commen?ant par la fin de la premi?re guerre mondiale (1918) jusqu? lobtention du pouvoir par le Parti Nazi (NSDAP: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) et la fondation de la 3e Reich (1931) sera pr?sent?e afin de pouvoir exprimer les causes de linstauration dun r?gime totalitaire en Allemagne. Comment, une pens?e politique si extr?me a pu obtenir le pouvoir, surtout par les moyens l?gaux? Quels sont les cl?s de leur r?ussites; comment le peuple allemand lont tol?r? et support Pourquoi Hitler a r?ussi? Nous allons essayer de r?pondre ? ces questions dans les lignes suivantes avec un plan chronologique. I-La R?publique et La Constitution de WeimarA) La situation de lAllemagne apr?s la Premi?re Guerre MondialeLa Monarchie Allemande navait plus une autorit? et une l?gitimit? dans le pays quand la d?faite en guerre ?tait pr?vue. Les forces marines qui ne voulaient pas faire la guerre contre les Anglais ?ils croyaient que ?a serait une suicide-, les dockers et lorganisation arm?e, les ?freikorps? s?taient r?volt?s. Friedrich Ebert qui contr?lait le gouvernement allemand ? cette ?poque voulait fonder une monarchie constitutionnelle. Quand les rebelles sont venus devant le palais du gouvernement ? Berlin, lami dEbert, Schiedman a d?clar? par accident La R?publique Allemande. Une coalition form?e de quatre partis (SPD, USPD, Zentrum, DVP) de gauche et de droite a commenc? alors ? gouverner. B) Le Trait? de VersaillesLe trait? de Versailles ?tait lacceptation de la d?faite par les Pays dEntente dans la 1?re Guerre Mondiale. LAllemagne consid?r? comme d?buteur de la guerre avec ce trait?, a perdu 13% de sa territoire et 10% de sa population. La r?gion dAlsace Loraine conqu?rite en 1871 est rendu en France. Une partie de la Prusse est donn?e ? Pologne. Ce qui ?tait le plus grave, cest que lAllemagne devait payer 132 milliards de mark de d?domagement de guerre. De cette raison, une partie de la territoire Autrichienne qui appartenait en Allemagne est adopt? par la France en tant que d?domagement. Le trait? de Versailles a caus? des grands probl?mes politiques internes en Allemagne. C) La R?publique et La ConstitutionLa r?publique ?tait fond?e et une coalition gouvernait le pays depuis le d?but de 1919. En Ao?t 1919, une assembl?e constituante sest r?unie ?Weimar (le nom de la r?publique vient de cette ville). Un mois apr?s le Trait? de Versailles, la constitution allemande est accept?e. C?tait une constitution qui ?tait tr?s d?mocratique pour son ?poque. Tous les citoyens homme ou femme avaient le droit de vote ? partir de vingt ans. La repr?sentation proportionnelle ?tait pr?vue comme mode de scrutin aux ?lections l?gislatives. Les droits et les libert?s de lhomme et de citoyen ?taient garantis par lEtat F?d?rale. Les etats f?d?r?s sont rendus plus attach?s au centre. Le Pr?sident de la R?publique ?tait ?quipp? des comp?tences comme la d?signation du chancelier. Le droit reconnu le plus important est le referendum. Le peuple pouvait vouloir voter une loi et m?me pouvait laccepter malgr? le Reichstag (le parlement). La constitution de Weimar ?tait un exemple tr ?s d?mocratique et avanc? pour son ?poque. II- Le Parti Nazi et Son Progr?s ParlementaireA) Lorigine, la fondation et lorganisation du partiLorigine du Parti Nazi est la soci?t? Thul? qui ?tait un groupe de pens?e fond? par un ouvrier de chemin de fer Anton Drexler et son ami Rudolf Sebottendorf (Ao?t 1918). DAP (Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) est d?riv? de cette soci?t? en 1919 avec la participation du Karl Hasser. Adolf Hitler y participe en 1919 comme chef de propagande. Il ?tait un tr?s bon orateur. C?tait un parti antis?mitiste, anticomuniste, nationaliste et militant. Il d?fendait la sup?riorit? de la race Arienne. En F?vrier 1920, DAP devient NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) avec un programme ? 25 articles. Le but du parti ?tait de modifier totalement les bases ?conomiques, sociales, culturelles et politiques du Reich. Lunification des minorit?s allemandes, xenophobie et lid?e de lexpulsion des juifs sont fortement exprim?es. On d?clarait aussi dans le programme les principes dune nouvelle organisatio n ?conomique et sociale sans classes et des ambitions totalitaires comme le contr?le de la presse et de l?ducation. Les membres du parti sont plut?t de la classe moyenne. Les petits bourgeois, les paysans, les artisans et les commer?ants forment la majorit? des adh?rants. Le groupe qui est sous pr?sent? est les ouvriers car le socialisme et le communisme qui sont forts ? l?poque mod?raient la participation des ouvriers. Le support du parti vient plut?t de la r?action contre Weimar et le Trait? de Versailles. L?conomie lib?rale qui force les gens et linexistence de la garantie de lemploi servaient au Parti Nazi. Les ch?meurs supportaient bien le parti et participaient aux SA (Sturmabteilungen:les troupes de protection). Les jeunes mieux influenc?s avec la propagande, aventuriers, se sentaient comme une partie dune communaut? et devenaient membre du parti. La propagande ?tait la plus importante arme du parti. Lutilisation de la presse, les r?unions, les films de propagande et les SA uniform?s formaient les principaux moyens de propagande. NSDAP sorganisait sur le plan national dans chaque circonscri ption, presque quartier par quartier (Gau) avec un leader (Gauleiter) ? la t?te. Il cherchait sa client?le dans toutes les couches sociales. Les membres sont d?pass?s de 176.000 en 1929 ? 4 millions en 1933. Fibonacci EssayC) Janvier 1933: Le Chancelier HitlerAvec le support de Schleiher, Von Papen et le fils du Pr?sident de la R?publique, Oskar Von Hindenburg, Hitler devient le chancelier dune coalition de DVNP, Zentrum, et NSDAP. Les autres associ?s de la coalition voulaient manipuler les nazis et croyaient quen limitant leurs comp?tences, il serait possible de les contr?ler. Pour cette raison, on na donn? que trois minist?res pas si importants comme celui des affaires int?rieurs. D) La Naissance de la Troisi?me Reich: Tous Les Pouvoirs ? HitlerApr?s ?tre devenu le Chancelier, Hitler d?clare les nouvelles ?lections qui seront r?alis?es au 5 Mars 1933 avec un d?cret-loi. Ce d?cret est suivi par un autre qui autorise au gouvernement dintervenir aux manifestations et de pouvoir censurer la presse si la s?curit? du Reich est menac?e. Dailleurs, ces d?crets sont largement utilis?s par les nazis pour enlever lopposition (surtout les communistes) et les opposants sont mobilis?s de leurs postes. Au 22 F?vrier 1933, la complice dHitler, Goering fonde les troupes de SS (Schutz Staffel) en Prusse comme service de police. Les SA et les SS combattent alors ensemble contre les opposants. Au 27 F?vrier, un communiste dutch Van der Lubbe met lincendie au Reichstag. Les nazis profitent de cet evenement pour arr?ter tous les communistes. Un nouvel d?cret enl?ve tous les libert?s et r?gles instaur?es par la constitution de Weimar et on lapplique strictement. Une grande somme de gens sont arr?t?s par Goering et les SS et KPD (Komunist Partei Deutschland) est devenu ill?gal. Au 5 Mars 1933, le Parti Nazi devient le premier parti avec 43,9% des voix. C?tait le cas o? lAllemagne a eu la premi?re fois un parti avec une si grande pourcentage de voix. NSDAP forme alors une coalition avec lassociation de DVNP et les voix totals tend 51,9%. En r?alit?, il nexistait pas un si grand support mais Hitler d?montrait les r?sultats comme une victoire. Les nazis ont alors commenc? ? obtenir le contr?le de tous les domaines politico-?conomiques: les institutions et offices etatiques, les banques, le commerce, la presse etc Les gouvernements des etats f?d?r?s aussi sont acqu?ris par NSDAP. Au 23 Mars, Hitler r?cup?re tous les pouvoirs executifs et l?gislatifs par laccord (forc? avec les menaces des SA et des SS) du parlement. 81 d?put?s de KPD sont tout de suite prisonn?s. On ferme dabord KPD puis SPD. Quelques uns se sont alli?s avec les nazis pour continuer ? exister. Le P arti Catholique Centrale (Zentrum) a men? une politique intelligente pour co-exister mais lopposition de lEglise Catholique contre le nazisme a caus? leur fin aussi. Au 14 Juillet, avec une loi dinterdiction de cr?ation des partis politiques, Letat de parti unique dHitler est fond?. Derni?rement, NSDAP prend le contr?le des syndicats et fonde DAF (Deutsche Arbeiter Front): le Front dOuvrier Allemand. CONCLUS?ONLe processus de la mont?e du nazisme au pouvoir pr?sent? ci-dessus nous donne un exemple de linstauration dun r?gime totalitaire. Si on examine bien les evenements v?cus dans ce processus, on peut bien d?duire les causes de cette mont?e du nazisme. Pourquoi Hitler? Premi?rement, la constitution de Weimar qui ?tait tr?s d?mocratique et souple pour son ?poque rendait facile les man?uvres politiques. Ensuite, le mode de scrutin pr?cis? dans la constitution ? repr?sentation proportionnelle ne permettait pas la cr?ation dun gouvernement stable. L?conomie instable perturb?e par les d?domagements de guerre et des crises ?conomiques causait un taux de ch?mage ?lev? et une grave instabilit? sociale.Derni?rement, les d?fauts des institutions qui ne sont jamais contr?l?es comme il faut et la manque dutilisation des initiatives des autres partis politiques ont bien servi ? NSDAP. Lair pessimiste qui couvrait une grande partie du peuple allemand ? cause de ces handicaps est tr?s bien ma nipul? (lutilisation de lespoir) par les nazis en utilisant tous les moyens de propagande. Avec cette propagande extr?me, on est arriv? ? faire int?rioriser une id?ologie totalitaire. Tous ces facteurs pr?sent?s descriptent bien la conjoncture qui peut mener un pays ? avoir un r?gime totalitaire. BibliographyLA MONT?E DU NAZ?SME EN ALLEMAGNE?NTRODUCT?ONA- Pr?sentation du sujetB- Annonce du probl?matique et du planI- La R?publique et La Constitution de WeimarA- La situation de lAllemagne apr?s la Premi?re Guerre MondialeB- Le Trait? de VersaillesC- La R?publique et la ConstitutionII- Le Parti Nazi et son Progr?s Parlementaire A- Lorigine, la fondation et lorganisation du partiB- 1920-1923: Les travaux dorganisation et le coup detat de MunichC- 1925: La r?organisation du partiD- Crise ?conomique de 1929 et les ?lections de 1930III-La Domination ?lectorale et La Route Vers Le DictatoriatA- La candidature dHitler pour la pr?sidenceB- Les ?lections de Juillet et Novembre 1932C- Janvier 1 933: Le Chancelier HitlerD- La naissance de la troisi?me Reich: Tous les pouvoirs ? ?F?hrer?CONCLUS?ON Pourquoi Hitler? B?BL?OGRAPH?EAy?oberry, Pierre, La Question Nazie, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1979Wahl, Alfred, LAllemagne de 1918 ? 1945, Armand Colin, Paris, 1993Freeman, Michael, Atlas of Nazi Germany, Longman, London, 1995Encyclopedie MourreAna Britannica

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gods Chosen Soldier Essay Example For Students

Gods Chosen Soldier Essay Gods Chosen SoldierHill 1Gods Chosen Soldier?Beowulf?, is a story of a man who seems to be unrealistic to people of today. Yet the character, Beowulf still arouses the imagination of any generation from all over the world. ?Beowulf?, is undoubtedly one of the most studied, debated over, and read epics of all times. One of the most controversial topics in the tale is the juxtaposition of Christian ethics which are found throughout the story, yet the time frame of the tale was a time that is known as mainly a pagan belief existing among the people. Upon researching different authors, one can find every possible interpretation imaginable about the Christian verses pagan elements in the story. However, the fact still remains that either the Christian elements found throughout was derived from the poet or perhaps a man even in the time of Beowulf could have been chosen by God to try and lead the people to a true God. The beautifully written epic, ?Beowulf?, tells of a simpler time when a man such as Beowulf could understand and appreciate his unusual strength as a gift worthy only to be claimed by almighty God. As the epic begins, a far away land is in trouble and in desperate need of hero. Beowulf hears of a fierce monster ravaging and killing men of King Hrothgars land, the Danes. These same people were at war long ago with Beowulfs people, the Geats, therefore Beowulf and his people knew of the Danes well. Beowulfs father was the first to strike a blow and start a famous feud (Crossley-Holland, 44). Yet when Beowulf heard of the Danes distress he quickly understood that he should go. Beowulf was considered the bravest and strongest of his people, and most other warriors for that matter. Beowulf understood his strength to somehow be of divine nature rather than of his own accord (Norton Anthology, 1058). Many times throughout the epic are references made to God or to an all-powerful force. Such references are excessively embedded in the beginning when Beowulf spea ks of ?omens? about the decision to make the trip to help the Danes. For instance, the passage written in ?Beowulf? by George Clark, ?Between Hill 2the heros command, his announcement, and his selection of his companions for the exploit, the Geatish councilors consult the omens and approve his plans even as he leads his picked company to the sea and the ready ship?(Clark, 53). Also references are made to the men giving thanks to God for a safe journey once making their way across the ocean to the Danes (Crossley-Holland, 38). Even as he speaks to King Hrothgar he mentions several times that if God wills a victory that he, Beowulf, will end the Danes suffering from Grendels rage (Nortons Anthology, 1058). In essence all of these mentioned show Beowulf to be earnest in his desire to help the Danes for their well being, and not for fame or fortune for his own benefit. As we prepare to encounter the beast Grendel with Beowulf, we find that Beowulf seems confident not in his own talents, but in God. The last conversation which Hrothgar and Beowulf have before Beowulf actually encounters Grendel confirms this because Beowulf tells Hrothgar that the fate of the battle is up to God. Even then Hrothgar cautions Beowulf not to enter into the fight with selfish pride (Robinson, 84). Beowulf expressing his intentions to fight the battle against Grendel without a weapon once again examplifies his faith in a power greater than his own strength. It is not an indication of selfish pride. Beowulf explains in this quote his belief about the fight: ?Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be. This fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but his claws and teeth scratching at my shield, his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. I will meet him with my hands emptyunless his heart fai ls him, seeing a soldier waiting weaponless, unafraid. Let God in His wisdom extend his hand where He wills, reward whom He chooses!?(Norton Anthology, 1067). These words could be taken, as the translators manipulation to the epic, yet time and time again there seems a presence around Beowulf which is not evident amongst other characters. So upon meeting Grendel, Beowulf stands firm and the beast does in fact seem Hill 3frightened. Grendel, the descendent of Cain has finally met his ultimate match, Gods chosen soldier! Grendel tries with all of his might to break free from Beowulf, and does so only after leaving his arm as proof of the battle. Beowulf later informs Hrothgar of his own disappointment for not leaving the bleeding body lying in Herot Hall, but that Gods will was different. Hrothgar is overwhelmed with joy and begins to ready the kingdom for a feast unlike no other. An apparent love is shown from Hrothgar to Beowulf, by the elaborate measures he goes to repay him for th is most wonderful of deeds he has performed of the Danes. Beowulf seems modest in the accomplishment and thus very little of an acceptance speech is heard, instead he seems apologetic when he speaks because all he has to show from the battle with Grendel is his arm. Nevertheless, Beowulf would not offend the King or custom by refusing the praise or gifts, which Hrothgar seems to lavish easily. All that the Danes wish to give will only be handed to Beowulfs own King and kinsmen, and not horded for his own reward. In the midst of a wonderful celebration of good fortune, another monster comes from the depths of hell, Grendels mother. Fiercer than Grendel she is, as a mothers passion consumes the hall. Beowulf without hesitation enters into this great battle as well. She too comes at night; this night unlike any other was a night the people slept as though sleep had not touched their world in years. Grendels mother came in and took Hrothgars closest friend, and for fear of her own life fled back to the swamp from which she had come. Beowulf follows her to the swamp knowing his strength alone cannot defeat such passion as what this mother, Grendels mother must feel. In this we can again see a meaningful understanding from Beowulf of an omnipotent ruler over the entire world. Thus he enters the swamp only out of pure faith of Gods abilities to carry him through. The fight is one of such magnitude that during and after Beowulf seems to change, to somehow mature. Perhaps even in his belief in a power over all man, there was still a little pride in himself before this battle with Grendels mother, yet his victory from the battle truly Hill 4enlightens him of fate being only as God ordains it (Greenfield, 18). The struggle which Beowulf goes through between having some unknown, indescribable knowledge and his peoples customs and beliefs being so very different seems to come to a climax during this instance, and a conclusion for his confusion all at once (18). So we come to a conclusion to such a seemingly wonderful heroes life. Beowulf has by this time grown very old, and has been the King of his own people, the Geats for many years. But one final battle is still left for Beowulf to fight and this one will prove to be the most important of all. R. E. Kaskes interpretation of ?Beowulf? explains that this battle is the most important because, ? not only does Beowulf have to encounter the ever-present dangers as a human being of militia, but also as a king, in combating an apparent spread of militia among his people, typified by the actions of the goblet-stealer and the later defection of his own retainers (127). Still even in his old age he feels the desire to protect those weaker than he and his final moments are spent fighting for the safety of his people. In his old age, Beowulf still tells his people, ?No man could fight this battle but me and win,? which again implies the understood strength Beowulf has to be more than merely a human strength. K aske implies that the dragon represents the greatest of evils, since the devil is often referred to as the dragon, and in a way Beowulf has always been fighting the dragon, or some evil (126-127). Some wonder why the dragon kills Beowulf, and this seems an unfitting end. Yet in truth, Beowulf accomplished his feet against the dragon, he killed him and saved his people from another evil. But Beowulf is human and humans die. This ending to the epic is what humanizes Beowulf and the entire epic. A mere man faces unbelievable triumphs and is victorious every time, well almost every time. But this last battle should not be seen as a defeat, because the victory was meant for God all along, not a human, which is why Beowulf is finally released of his duties from God. A man cannot be worshipped as the bravest and the strongest, only God should hold this high honor. .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f , .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .postImageUrl , .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f , .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:hover , .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:visited , .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:active { border:0!important; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:active , .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13efa3ece125f1db9617e14484d7dd4f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kaymito Leaves as Antiseptic Mouthwash EssayHill 5Beowulf was considered a larger than life hero even in his time. Surely few people can obtain fame, fortune, and the respect of his piers, in one lifetime. Yet something seemed special, or different about Beowulf. Perhaps in a world still ruled by Pagan belief Beowulf was a man of unusual knowledge, a knowledge granted by God to a man in a world of pagan sin. Maybe Beowulf was one of the first of the old ancestors to be chosen by God, as Moses and Abraham are in later years, to show their people a love and forgiveness which is unconditional and forever. A man in the midst of pagans, who will show these heathen people a grac e that will lead them to eternal heaven and rid them of an eternal death. The many wonders about the actual origin of this epic is sure to be pondered upon as long as man can read and rationalize. One thing seems evident though as to the origin of Beowulfs beliefs. A life of fame did little to shorten Beowulfs belief in his countrymen, kinsmen, or his almighty God. History Essays